Coding with a Vision

About Me

I'm an optimist 🤓 who enjoys spreading positivity 🤪 wherever I go.

In 2022, I embarked on a self-taught coding journey, and from the moment I wrote my first 'Hello world!', I knew I had found the perfect career path to leverage my skills. My passion for mathematics has been a driving force, honing my problem-solving abilities and leading me to excel in various math Olympics.

Professional Skills

With a diverse background in working within dynamic, multinational teams and thriving in high-pressure environments, I excel at problem-solving and maintaining unwavering motivation. My international experience has honed my multilingual proficiency in English, Urdu, and Punjabi.

Technical Expertise

  • Proficient in writing clean and maintainable code adhering to style guidelines
  • Frontend Development using React, Redux, and ES6
  • Backend Development with expertise in Rails and Node.js
  • Proficient in utilizing various tools, including Git, SEO, and WordPress
  • Strong grasp of data structures and algorithms
  • Experienced in remote collaboration, effective teamwork, rapid learning, and self-motivation

A Few Accomplishments

During my self-taught journey, I managed to deploy and maintain web solutions for companies and I got numerous certifications from different online course platforms by building projects.

Spa-Booking App

The ultimate platform for spa enthusiasts and business owners alike. This app simplifies the spa reservation process, allowing users to book their favorite treatments with ease while providing spa owners with a powerful tool to manage their bookings efficiently.

React/Redux, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Module css, Mobile responsive, Bootstrap

A Summit Website - Microverse Capstone Project

This is my first capstone project at Microverse! The National educational Summit is a two page website which is designed for a annual summit in Australia. It has been designed using HTML, CSS, JS and some parts are designed dynamically like the 'the speakers' section' part, and has the functionallity for both mobile-first and desktop-first versions.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Fully Responsive

House Budget App for House Budgeting

Fully Functional House Bugdet App with User Authentication and Testing Using Ruby on Rails and Devise Our project is a solo effort to develop a feature-rich House Bugdet application built on the Ruby on Rails (ROR) framework. The primary goal of this application is to allow users to create, manage, and share their House Bugdet while providing a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Ruby, Rails, RSpec, PostgreSQL

SpaceX - NASA's API Based App

The SpaceX app, developed using React and Redux, offers an immersive experience for space enthusiasts by seamlessly fetching data from an API that provides detailed information about different rockets and missions. Users can explore the app's extensive database, learning about the technical specifications, historical achievements, and future plans of SpaceX.

Vite + React, Mobile responsive, Unit Testing

Washwood Heath PCN Website- built time 16 hours

This is a WordPress-based website that I have built for Horizon Informatics, a UK-based tech company. The website is fully responsive and incorporates user-friendly features such as multilingual support, accessibility, easy search options, and compliance with NHS standards.

WordPress, CSS, Mobile Responsive, Live Data Feedback Form

Pak Health Centre - GP Practice Website - built time 18 hours

This is a WordPress-based website that I have built for Horizon Informatics, a UK-based tech company. The website is fully responsive and incorporates user-friendly features such as multilingual support, accessibility, easy search options, and compliance with NHS standards.

WordPress, CSS, Mobile Responsive, Friends & Family Test


Contact Me

If you feel that my skills fit your requirements 🎯
I am confident that I will become one of your top team players 👨‍💻🥇